Saturday, 17 January 2015

Easy ways to make money from home using youtube

Posted by Unknown
Earning through Youtube ,This statement is very popular now a days and every body curious about to know that how we can earn through youtube .Through we can earn thousands of dollars or i can say that not thousands its more than you think ,if you want to know about some top youtube earners than i  will suggest you to Google it and you will find a long long list of that type persons who earns millions of dollars .Actually its not too hard or i can say its not too easy .If you have some creative mind ,some patience than  of course  you can also earn .Okay now let me tell you how its actually works.Every one knows how to make account on Google or Youtube ,its pretty easy i am not going to tell you how to make account or how to upload videos you can Google it all about it. I am going to tell you some quick tips which may help you a lot and also some factors which may rank your  video.

1.Unique and original videos: If you really want to earn money than you will have to upload something unique and original.Its not a good idea to be a copy cat you will have to make a something which make some sense.You can record while you travel or you can make some tutorials.If you are good in cooking than you can upload videos of how to cook various food.There are lots of other ideas which can use but but please never be a copy cat.
Easy ways to make money from home using youtube

2.Describe your video and channel: One of the essential thing is that how you describe your video and channel.A good description can rank your video high.Give a nice and decent description about your video.Its good to be a video description should be more than 100 words.

3.Use Long videos:If you are using long videos to upload than there are more chances to earn more. Its because that the length of video is one of the major essential factor to earn decent income.Long means you can use more than 15 minutes video.

4.Use High definition (HD) Videos: This is also one of the major factor that if you upload high definition videos than there is more chances to earn more.

5.Share your videos: Now a days every body uses Facebook , Twitter and other social networking sites .You just need to share your video over it.It may help you a lot to drive traffic over your video.

6.Use keywords: Always use video related keywords ,If you are using keywords in a  manner than Youtube will rank your video high.While indecent use of keywords may decreased your video views.

7.Design your channel: Design means use appropriate and attractive youtube wall page and profile picture a really good or unique picture also help to attract visitors.

     Okay friends i know this is not a brief description but i will post regular on this topic .If you have any query please comment and if you like my post than please dont forget to share.


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